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October 04, 2004



You missed the truly noteworthy link from Prof. Muller's site:

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Whew, glad I was gone this weekend. Wouldn't have wanted to bother with that story.

I think the baton of paranoia has been successfully passed to the pro-Bush crowd.

We do have quite a lot of catching up to do, I admit.

I'd kill to have those fifteen seconds back, though.

We do have quite a lot of catching up to do, I admit.

I believe in you, Slarti. I believe in you.



Stupid, silly, paranoid, trivial and counterproductive.

Admit a loss, practice harder, and get ready for the next debate, sez this left-coast support of Prez Bush.

"Not fair! Not fair!" he hissed. "It isn't fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it's got in its nasty little pocketses?"


Bravo, Yermum!

I want to run away and live in a cave for the next month. Or stuff all of the loonies, right, left, and other, in a barrel until this is over.

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