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September 22, 2004


Hey, Bush is finally addressin' the deficit:)

Hey, Bush is finally addressin' the deficit:)

Good enough, and now I'm looking forward to him campaigin' on it, Navy!

campaigin' , of course, is gibberish for "campaigning"

Oh, gee, another chapter in the "Bush to NYC: drop
dead" story, which is going to be as long as War and Peace if there's a second term. From the Times article:

"For a four-bedroom apartment in New York City, HUD has proposed that the fair market rent be reduced from $1,504 a month to $1,286, a drop of more than 14 percent."

$1286. For a 4-bedroom. In New York City.
I don't know anyone paying less than $1300, OR anyone who has a 4-bedroom. Now, the people I know are mainly in Brooklyn and Manhattan, and I'm sure the Bronx and Queens are a bit cheaper. But that number is insane.

Before anyone suggests that poor people should just move to the suburbs if it's cheaper: for the most part they don't have cars and can't afford them.

Navy Davy wrote:

Hey, Bush is finally addressin' the deficit:)

Would that that were true, now if we can only start means testing Medicare and Social Security, repealing the farm subsidies, and abolish a few federal departments (Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, HHS, and HUD) we could make some serious progress.

But wait, there's more:

"Headstart is a proven success for low-income preschoolers, but 3 million eligible kids can't participate because there's a $23 billion funding gap.

In next year's budget, the White House actually plans to cut Headstart funds by almost $200 million. Nearly half of all 3- and 4-year-olds are not enrolled in any kind of preschool program, and the United States still lacks universal kindergarten.

After-school programs are crucial to help working parents and to make sure that kids are in safe learning environments rather than in custodial daycare or on the street. The administration promised to deliver after-school programs for 1.4 million kids, then short-changed them by a billion dollars.

Next year's budget would provide $11 billion less than what was promised for children with disabilities.

The administation proposes a $7.2 billion shortfall in education aid to kids in poor communities and no money for school renovation and modernization even though the cost of deferred repairs and construction now exceeds $300 billion. One school in three uses trailers.

The United States faces the greatest wave of teacher retirements ever, but the administration is actually cutting funds for teacher training and for recruitment and mentoring programs. (...)

And while the administration fails to offer adequate funding, what does it emphasize? Over the objections of its own panel, the admistration is going forward with a plan to require Headstart to test children as young as 3 and 4, even though virtually every reputable expert concludes that very young children cannot be reliably tested and that testing results are a nonsensical way to evaluate the quality of Headstart programs."

now if we can only start means testing Medicare and Social Security, repealing the farm subsidies, and abolish a few federal departments (Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, HHS, and HUD) we could make some serious progress.

At the risk of inducing an echo-based avalanche in here: let's see a little campaiging on that platform, shall we?

"Consistently Compassionate Conservatives": the "CCC". Pronounced, of course, with the hard "c" sound.

Read these two NY Times articles:
"Study Finds Accelerating Decline in Corporate Taxes"
"Deal in Congress to Keep Tax Cuts, Widening Deficit"

Sen. Don "Woody" Nickles of OK gets the Marie Antionette Award for:
"The tax credit is for taxpayers,'' said Senator Don Nickles, Republican of Oklahoma. "If you want to change the welfare system, then change the welfare system.''

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