I don't know if you folks read the WaPo's Below the Beltway; I may have to start making it a regular peruse, if it's got stuff like this (link probably required: I'm already registered, and, besides, Mozilla and BugMeNot have an understanding):
[Editor's note: Mr Weingarten apparently enjoys calling up 1-800 customer complaint lines and asking bizarre questions. Let's watch.]
Bose AudioMe: I was in the mall yesterday and saw your sound systems, the ones that basically look like $20 plastic clock radios but fill a room with rich, philharmonic sound?
Tim: Sure.
Me: My question is, could this technology be weaponized?
Tim: It has been.
Me: Excuse me?
Tim: It's called an acoustic wave cannon. It puts out a 120-decibel noise of a baby crying. It induces headaches and vomiting, in large crowds. It's a crowd suppressor.
Tim: So how can I help you?
Me: Never mind. I can't top that.
I don't know who or where you are, Tim, but good job. Damn good job.
Best. Customer. Service. Ever. Promote Tim to head of the call center, pronto!
I may have to start making it a regular peruse, if it's got stuff like this
I do, and it does!
Posted by: Phil | September 05, 2004 at 06:11 PM