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August 07, 2004


If u were fortunate enough to live here in the SF area, surrounded by leftist nutters, nothing would surprise u. Believe me.

I wonder what effect this will have, in that it's going to be more difficult to take future video announcements seriously. However, I'm not about to suggest Abu Musab al-Zarqawi et al will give up as a result...

You're not alone. I'm disgusted.

Allow me to exercise my freedom of speech:

What an ass.


Moe - I heard on the radio this morning that the anthrax dude they busted in Wellsville, NY, was affiliated with UPMC Hospital in McKeesport ...

"Moe - I heard on the radio this morning that the anthrax dude they busted in Wellsville, NY, was affiliated with UPMC Hospital in McKeesport ..."

Oh, crap. I hope that my girlfriend's grandmother doesn't use that one, because once she hears this she probably won't want to...

mum's the word.

Hoaxers act with a variety of motivations, they've always been with us, always will. And I agree, Vanderford is an ass. But with just a tiny bit of skeptical inquiry our intrepid news media might have discovered the hoax before running it. They might have been tipped off by the 'copyright, Benjamin Vanderford' notice in the corner of the video, or they might have simply looked him up the SF directory and called him to ask if he'd been beheaded. Or maybe, they could've checked his friggin' web site before alerting the world to this senseless tragedy.
The funny part about this story is that some Islamic Fundamentalist webmaster picked up the video off of Kazaa and posted it. They're just as pissed as the western world's crack media fact checkers that they'd been duped. (http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/9345116.htm?1c) Apparently the jihadists would prefer to only post 'real' beheading videos, thank you. Little theory of mine, religious fundamentalism makes you more susceptible than most to being suckered.
Most media are reacting with outrage, OUTRAGE, that they've been duped. Embarrassment seems more appropriate.

Are you saying the American media is filled with religious fundamentists?
Finally, they have an excuse.

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