...it's that the Scotsman is eternal. Don't let that happy clown fool ya: Mickey Dee is as good as the Mouse when it comes to shrugging off attacks (although the latter is unparalleled for sheer bloody-minded viciousness). What's that, Karl? Oh, right, you've expanded, you and your tractor. You're going against them all now, not just the Golden Arches. The fact that you couldn't even slow 'em down had nothing to do with it. In fact, I think that your protests might have even increased interest in the corp, which led to increased sales, which made my stock in the company go up in value. IOW, many thanks from this small cog in the VRWC for globalization; we couldn't have entrenched ourselves in France without you.
Then again, how were you supposed to realize how much supernatural mojo the Pros from Chicago actually pack*?
*Yes, that link was mostly the point to this post: I'm artificially increasing my geekiness for a project I need to work on later. Time for another dose of Bab5...