Having been raised as a Fundamentalist Christian, the more secular aspects of Easter were always a bit distateful to me,* but it's time to stop this madness and stand up for the Rights of Bunnies !
First it was the inexplicable beating of a bunny in a church performance in Pennsylvania:
A church trying to teach about the crucifixion of Jesus performed an Easter show with actors whipping the Easter bunny and breaking eggs, upsetting several parents and young children.
And now, from New Port Richey, Florida, we hear this horrifying account:
Girl, 9, cuffed and arrested over missing bunny
A Pasco County sheriff’s deputy found the black-and-white rabbit, named Oreo, hopping around in the girl’s living room, according to the arrest report. She was read her rights and taken away in the back of a patrol car.
*I do love a good slightly stale Peep, however.
Happy Easter Weekend all!
Haven't you heard? Easter is cancelled!
(warning -- may be considered slightly disturbing and/or in poor taste).
Posted by: kenB | April 09, 2004 at 11:43 AM
That's awful.
; )
...don't know why I cant' stop laughing...
Posted by: Edward | April 09, 2004 at 11:51 AM
"She was read her rights and taken away in the back of a patrol car."
The pronoun was used ambiguously, without clear referent. The bunny was read rights and taken away on the patrol car.
Posted by: bob mcmanus | April 09, 2004 at 12:30 PM
Bob, did you follow the link? The headline and the subhead together are also amusing:
Girl, 9, cuffed and arrested over missing bunny
Florida police defend detention, say it was at request of victim
Who knew bunnies could be so vindictive?
Posted by: kenB | April 09, 2004 at 12:32 PM
No Roger&Me jokes?
CNN's contribution to the discourse this morning was showing a Filipino getting crucified, including a close-up of the nail being hammered in.
Posted by: rilkefan | April 09, 2004 at 04:34 PM
Banging In the Nails
by Martyn Jacques
Sung by The Tiger Lillies
I'm crucifying Jesus, banging in the nails,
And I am so happy, because old Jesus failed.
I'm crucifying Jesus, nail him to the cross,
The poor old bastard bleeds to death and I don't give a toss.
And so on (MP3).
There's an MP3 of this here!
Posted by: Jesurgislac | April 10, 2004 at 05:48 AM
Is bunny-beating in any way related to monkey-spanking?
Oh, and I agree: kenB's link is hilarious.
Posted by: Slartibartfast | April 10, 2004 at 12:56 PM
You are sick, kenB. Sick sick sick...
Posted by: Moe Lane | April 10, 2004 at 03:02 PM
Whoa, for a second I thought that was sung by the Tigerlilies. Who knew how much different one L could make.
Posted by: Skip | April 10, 2004 at 07:35 PM
you fools, you should be outraged over arresting a 9 year old. if i was that girls father i would have torn that rabbit in half afterwards and then knocked that cop the fuck out.
Posted by: kj | January 03, 2007 at 12:31 AM