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March 31, 2004


I can think of several reasons NOT to have them in the same place at the same time. Unless they're 100% sure they've covered the whole security issue.

Sloth love Chunk.

Not familiar with that expression... Meaning?

Sloth love Chunk.

That's so weird the way the comments get out of order..

It's when they have the same posting time. Posting time is only in minutes, so it probably puts them in alphabetical order when the chronology is the same. Alphabetical by poster, maybe?

Changing my name to "AAA Edward," in that case.

I think in MT you can specify the sort order.

"Sloth love Chunk" is a Goonies reference.

I suppose the obvious is too mundane for Mr. Marshall. Hasn't it been a consistent format in the commission that Cabinet Secretaries appear with their deputies? If the idea is to get questions answered, the appearance of both together makes the most sense as they can collaborate and confirm information as has been done when Powell, Tenat, etc. It saves time for both the commission and the witnesses.

However, if the idea is just to play "gotcha" and "catch" one or the other or... well, then why are wasting any time on even pretending the commission serves a purpose.

I suppose the obvious is too mundane for Mr. Marshall. Hasn't it been a consistent format in the commission that Cabinet Secretaries appear with their deputies? If the idea is to get questions answered, the appearance of both together makes the most sense as they can collaborate and confirm information as has been done when Powell, Tenat, etc. It saves time for both the commission and the witnesses.

However, if the idea is just to play "gotcha" and "catch" one or the other or... well, then why are wasting any time on even pretending the commission serves a purpose.

Bush isn't a cabinet secretary -- he's the president of the United States. He shouldn't need a deputy with him.

Bush isn't a cabinet secretary -- he's the president of the United States.

Thanks Skip. Gosh, I'm so embarassed.

Dang. Who knew?

Holy cow. Bush Jr president?
Well, that certainly explains how screwed up everything is. We should take care of that problem post-haste.

We should take care of that problem post-haste.

A few of us are working on it.

Macallen wrote
"I suppose the obvious is too mundane for Mr. Marshall. Hasn't it been a consistent format in the commission that Cabinet Secretaries appear with their deputies? If the idea is to get questions answered, the appearance of both together makes the most sense as they can collaborate and confirm information as has been done when Powell, Tenat, etc."

Good point. If Powell can have his deputy there, Cheyney should get to have his there too. (Badum-bump)

Seriously, your argument is sort-of relevant. There is clearly a significant difference between the roles of President as chief executive and that of a department head, charged with overseeing administration policy in a particular area. That being said, this argument-by-analogy could be made, if Bush was testifying with his chief of staff. The Vice-President is a constitutionally distinct and traditionally seperate office. The Vice-President role is not that of chief assistant to the President. He does not deal with all the same issues, keep the president's schedule, etc. The Vice-President's office functions more like a cabinet post rather than an under secretary.

(warning no spellcheck)

Can you image Clinton insisting on Gore being present? For Anything..?

Can you image Clinton insisting on Gore being present? For Anything..?

Well, maybe if he needed a human shield. Thick oak probably makes a pretty good bullet-stop.

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