...blogging has become a part of the mainstream. Why do I say that? Easy: because somebody's written a book telling us how to get rich from this hobby.
While the Commissar has demonstrated his ability to succinctly both review the book and give his own, honest-to-Historical-Imperative* way to enrich his readers, I'd just like to add: you'd think that a guy able to make the kind of money that he's insinuating to make would be able to get testimonials from people that I've actually, well, heard of.
I do recommend reading the pitch, though; it'll make you laugh, weep or both. I haven't bothered putting up blogads, tipjars, Amazon wish lists or anything else... well, the primary reason is actually that this is a group weblog; trying to fairly divide up the loot would be a logistical nightmare and probably more trouble than it'd be worth. But the reason that it'd be more trouble than it'd be worth would be because I would be surprised to make back expenses - which are currently at the sky-high level of $15 a month. But that's OK, as 15 bucks a month is not a horribly unreasonable amount to spend on a hobby. But try telling that to the people planning to buy the book...
*Well, it's not like he'd say honest-to-God, now is it? Opiate of the people and all that.
A lot of bloggers make pretty good money at it, but only because they're collecting a paycheck as they blog from work. That's the real secret. With very few exceptions, the people making money from tipjars would be making even more money if they write for something that would hand them a check.
Posted by: carpeicthus | February 28, 2004 at 08:47 PM
"trying to fairly divide up the loot would be a logistical nightmare and probably more trouble than it'd be worth."
Given the likely large difference of opinion about ideal economic conduct among the posters, it'd be kind of a funny exercise, though.
I mean, is the breakdown progressive? Do you means-test?
Posted by: sidereal | February 29, 2004 at 02:42 PM