In reading this article, and studying for my exam tomorrow, I think I've finally come up with a concise, non-emotionally loaded explanation of the fundamental strategic problem I see with the Iraq war and the Bush doctrine.
A nuclear Wal-Mart does not necessarily sell only to rogue nations. It might also sell directly to terrorist groups. And a state, however brutal, will not wage a direct nuclear attack on us if it wants to continue to exist. So the two plausible scenarios for a nuclear attack on the U.S. are:
1. nuclear supplier (e.g. Russia, Pakistan, North Korea*) to non-nuclear rogue state (e.g. Iraq, Syria) to terrorists
2. nuclear supplier to terrorists
Our strategy, from summer of 2002 to the present, has been to direct a huge majority of our resources to eliminating the middle-man of scenario #1--and only one middle-man at that, and not the middle-man who was closest to getting nuclear weapons or the middle-man who had closest ties to terrorists. (In fact, one of the suppliers--to wit, Pakistan--has closer ties to Al Qaeda than Iraq ever did.) We knew all this at the time. Now, of course, we also know that he had no chemical or biological weapons.
So the war in Iraq is an incomplete response to scenario #1. It does absolutely nothing about scenario #2. I'd say it did worse than nothing, given the credibility problem, the "hearts and minds" problem (at least in the short run) and the overextended military problem.
You can argue that there were other justifications for invading Iraq. Fine. I'm not convinced by them, but what's done is done. The problem is, I see very little indication that the administration has changed its strategy going forward. I get the impression that we're delaying confrontations with say, Syria, because of public opinion, allied opinion and lack of manpower--not because we think there was a fundamental problem with our strategy or intelligence.
That really worries me, to put it mildly.
*North Korea seems to be in transition from a non-nuclear rogue state to a nuclear rogue state, and they already are in a position to sell some nuclear technology & material. Also note that I'm listing these countries as geographical locations where the nuclear material is, not necessarily as governments. The nukes could be stolen from a poorly guarded facility, or sold illegally by a corrupt or extremist individual with access to them.
P.S.I wonder if this story would have gotten the same amount of attention if El-Baradei had not been clever enough to use a memorable soundbite? Probably not; good for him. Would that the Democratic presidential candidates could make these arguments with similar flair. "Nuclear Wal-Mart" gets people's attention in a way that "To reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation we must increase the funding of the Nunn-Lugar threat reduction program!" never will.
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