... as in, "I may get one or two more in before bedtime and then see you all in a few days". By this time tomorrow I'll be in Boston at the Arisia SF convention and won't be back home until Sunday, and I seem to have misjudged just how much free time I have until my plane leaves tomorrow. Maybe a couple today, maybe a couple tomorrow morning, very possibly not.
Either way, everyone have a good weekend.
PS: Quick review of stuff - that ABC Dean job was indeed a hackjob, Drudge's not so much (but not linking to the original report should be seen as an admission of weakness) and if I do nothing else tonight I'm posting a page o'links to Katherine's showcase posts on the sidebar for easier reference. If I have time, I shall expand on these themes and a couple of others.
do nothing else tonight I'm posting a page o'links to Katherine's showcase posts on the sidebar for easier reference.
Moe, when you get back from your convention -- have fun -- I think you should probably add category displays to the template, then go back and give Katherine's Arar posts a category of their own.
The ABC Dean job smells like Bob Shrum to me; he's still working for Kerry and he knows how to sling dirt (I'm writing off Lehane at this point). Recall that right after Shrum signed on to Kerry's campaign, the New York times ran those pieces on Dean's draft exemption. I don't think that was a coincidence.
Posted by: Matthew Stinson | January 16, 2004 at 03:17 AM
"I think you should probably add category displays to the template, then go back and give Katherine's Arar posts a category of their own."
Matthew, you are, in point of fact, a certified genius. :)
Posted by: Moe Lane | January 16, 2004 at 06:39 AM
More like certifiable :-) It looks nice.
Posted by: Matthew Stinson | January 16, 2004 at 09:47 AM
thanks, Moe (and Matthew)
Posted by: Katherine | January 16, 2004 at 12:36 PM
Moe, OW's temporary loss is Boston's temporary gain. Hope you enjoy our fair city.
Posted by: seth | January 16, 2004 at 12:39 PM
Our fair, freezing city... hope he remembered to pack a scarf is all I can say.
Posted by: mc_masterchef | January 16, 2004 at 08:21 PM