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December 31, 2003


I'll put in a dollar, too.

And let's have some reality-TV cameras recording their working relationship 24 hours a day.

George Bush on one side of a table, Hillary Clinton on the other. Oooooh, chemistry!

I'm down with the plan. I'll vote for it just to see what Dean does.

It'd be fun just to watch the heads of several members of the VRWC implode.

Look, George Clinton is great, but I'm not sure I want him running for President. Even if he paints the White House black.

And let's have some reality-TV cameras recording their working relationship 24 hours a day.

And make Paris Hilton their press secretary (and Bill's personal assistant, presumably) . . . .

Whoa, there. Back away from the cold medicine. You're cut off! :)




{sound of head exploding}

Don't DO that.

My head spins just trying to think about the demographics that would vote for--and against--that ticket. It would grant Bush the dubious ignominy of having outdone 2000 for the title of Most Outrageous Election Year.

By the way, I sincerely hope it isn't the flu that you're getting. This year's flu is literally the Death Flu--it put me, my fiancee, and our kid all on our backs and nearly unable to function for almost two weeks.

"By the way, I sincerely hope it isn't the flu that you're getting."

Naah, we're almost all the way back from it. :)

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