1) You will have noticed the new bloglist: Backscratch Blogs. These are blogs that link to us that we don't already have in one list or another: if you do so blog to us, feel free to let us know and if you're not evilnastybad we'll note your extreme good taste.
2) Question to Typepad users: let's say that I wanted to put a picture or a box along one column or the other (frex, like Tacitus' Hosted by Freewebs box - I don't want to put that up, but maybe a box link like it up). Can I do it? If so, how?
3) Question to bloggers in general: is it crass to send email links to posts you think are really good (like, say, Shakespeare parodies) to other blogs? I'm sorta thinking yeah, but it's not like the netiquette rules are written down anywhere. Heck, if they are, feel free to let me know where.
Well, that's it. Regular blogging to resume shortly, and everyone have a pleasant weekend.
So what does the "requested" category mean?
Posted by: Brad DeLong | December 13, 2003 at 01:09 AM
Means I forgot I had it down there: it's a 'people thought that it'd be a cool addition to the blogroll' blogroll. Obviously, went nowhere. :)
Posted by: Moe Lane | December 13, 2003 at 01:25 AM
Open a new ticket on Typepad's customer service page and ask about how to place an image in either sidebar. They are very helpful and quick with written instructions on how to do something, or if needed, the workarounds. Basically, you accomplish what you are asking by setting up a typelist in a certain way and then uploading the image or inserting the link. Best to ask them though.
Posted by: typepad user | December 13, 2003 at 09:10 AM
OK, I'll try that. Muchas gracias.
Posted by: Moe Lane | December 13, 2003 at 09:21 AM
#3: If I'm reading it right, it sounds like the method of blog-promotion that Eugene Volokh advocates. Some bloggers may be annoyed by it (then again, no matter what you do there's some blogger that would be annoyed by it), but I don't think it would be generally considered crass.
Posted by: Stentor | December 13, 2003 at 01:02 PM
Wow, I didn't even have to ask...thanks!
Posted by: st | December 13, 2003 at 01:34 PM
It's kinda sad that none of the Obsidian Wingers likes us backscratchers enough to take ownership of our sites in their blogrolls... It's like being off in the orphanage... *sniff* *sniff*...
Posted by: Brad DeLong | December 13, 2003 at 05:23 PM
For the record, I emailed Moe to request custody BEFORE that post. My husband is an economics PhD student, I can't believe I forgot.
Posted by: Katherine | December 13, 2003 at 05:52 PM
I'm linked to you, Moe. After the hours of bloggy goodness I've gotten from you three at Tacitus, how could I not?
Posted by: Phil | December 13, 2003 at 06:40 PM
Geez, Brad, we're making this up as we go along. ;)
PS: Various updates and additions complete. Thanks for the head's-up, Phil; I'm relying a lot on the Ecosystem to see who's linking to us, so links from sites not on there may take a while for us to notice.
Posted by: Moe Lane | December 13, 2003 at 11:15 PM
technorati's better.
Posted by: David Weman | December 14, 2003 at 02:16 AM