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December 29, 2003


I have nothing to say about the substance of your post, I just want to say that if that last paragraph doesn't win some kind of award for torturing metaphors, it's a crime.

"...I just want to say that if that last paragraph doesn't win some kind of award for torturing metaphors, it's a crime."

I honestly hope that this was meant as a compliment, because I am taking it as one. :)

Good post. Impulsiveness is a part of Howard Dean's life pattern. His answers now all seem to be calculated, but they're only half-baked by the time he blurts them out; thus the frequent retractions, modifications, and/or clarifications. Very presidential.

Wow, Moe and Safire on the same day. It's almost as if....HEY wait a minute!!!

Actually, there are two very real differences between what Dean & Cheney did. Dean's group volunteered the names of the people involved and the group did have participants from more than just the energy industry.

I was under the impression that what Cheney was refusing to turn over was who he met with, rather than the minutes of the meetings. No one that I know of is asking for what was said when or the minutes or whatever of Cheney's meetings, but just who was there. Given that the article states that Dean disclosed who had been at the meetings in question, the two situations sound fairly different.

Yup, they're very different. But drawing facile comparisons like this seems to be a bustling cottage industry on the right these days.

What, I don't even get to draw facile and tawdry comparisons? What's the point if I don't get to draw facile and tawdry comparisons? :)


PS: I can take it, then, that your silence denotes your consent to the notion that one cannot seriously argue that the Dean campaign could ever really believe in a conservative media, based on their actions in this matter?

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