While flipping through the site of a certain new smart-aleck visitor I came across this gem that I had read about earlier: Castro Photo Gets a Hitler Makeover. I respect the cojones of whoever did this*, and humbly suggest that they stand not on the order of their coming but go at once. I'd further suggest taking a quick sea jaunt north, but apparently creativity is no longer esteemed by our border patrols.
Yes, dammit, I'm still pissed about that.
*Or the ovarios, to be sure.
humbly suggest that they stand not on the order of their coming but go at once
Deliberate misquote? Or tortured Moeism?
Posted by: James Casey | December 31, 2003 at 09:20 AM
Tortured Moeism.
PS: Phbbbth. :)
Posted by: Moe Lane | December 31, 2003 at 06:54 PM