...I must be a real live blogger and stuff, because I just had a dream where I blogged on the Medicare bill. Said dream came complete with a comments thread, trackbacks and a bit of drama where anonymous people were revealed to be other people; I woke up after people started to link to me but before the flamewar started.
No, I don't remember what my arguments were, which is a pity, because my conscious self pretty much knows jack about economic issues (which is why I haven't blogged on the Medicare bill) and it would've been nice to see if my subconscious was any better at the dismal science. There was also a bit about an English pub on a British boardwalk that was really, really good; what that has to do with Medicare is beyond me completely.
I usually dream about stuff much more active in scope, you know. I don't think that I want to make a habit of waking up in the mornings and going "YES! My dreamself tells me that I must blog about the 17th Amendment! Of course!" - or something like that. Is this going to be a occupational hazard?
PS: And, to all you dream-interpreters out there: if dreaming about blogging about Medicare is symbolic of something else, feel free to not tell me precisely what it is. Unless it's funny, of course.
my weirdest political dream ever involved me going west in a covered wagon with my father in law and Hillary Clinton. I've not yet had a blogging dream.
Posted by: Katherine | November 30, 2003 at 10:38 AM
Hey, I once had a Hillary dream too. I was working at a pizza restaurant at the time (for real), and in the dream, we got a pizza, and I was like, oh God, why did it have to be pizza...
Posted by: MattK/D1 | November 30, 2003 at 12:45 PM
Dreaming about blogging about Medicare is symbolic of a life filled with surreal hedgehogs and invisible giraffes. Or is it surreal homicide and invisible greatness? I always get those mixed up.
Posted by: Jesurgislac | November 30, 2003 at 05:08 PM
I only get nightmares where peope like my mother, my ex-husband, or my boss go, "Are you Angua on that inter-net gizmo?" It's not the same.
Dreams of blogging Medicare indicate that the current meme on the US poli-blogs is "we do not know enough about Medicare". Which is OK - a lot of us don't know enough about how socialized medicine works in Canada (the actual nuts and bolts), and we actually have it. It's not ha-ha funny, but I do think it's hmmmm funny, if that's any excuse.
Posted by: angua | December 01, 2003 at 12:40 AM
A little food for thought for those who didn't eat enough last Thursday.*
According to a study conducted by Harvard and published in the New England Journal of Medicine:
Per capita overall administrative cost (as a percentage of overall costs) of health care:
US: 31% (US$1059)
Canada: 17% (US$307)
Overhead cost of American private health insurance: 11.7%
Overhead cost of Canadian provincial insurance plans: 1.3%
Overhead cost of Medicare: 3.6%
*Sorry for the lack of a link. I actuall read this in a paper-and-ink journal. How quaint, eh?
Posted by: JKC | December 01, 2003 at 09:57 AM